Thursday, December 5, 2013



Inline image 1

Alvin Curran dirige Iato Orchestra 
giovedì 12 Dicembre, alle 21.30
Angelo Mai Altrove Occupato 

Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 55/a, 00153 Roma Tel.329 448 1358

Alvin Curran dirige Iato Orchestra 

Alvin Curran - direzione
Mike Cooper - lap steel guitar
Roberto Bellatalla - contrabbasso
Gianfranco Tedeschi - contrabbasso
Stefano Acunzo - basso elettrico
Elio Martusciello - chitarra elettrica
Errico De Fabritiis - sassofono alto
Alberto Popolla - clarinetto basso
Noel Taylor - clarinetto
Sebi Tramontana - trombone
Davide Piersanti - trombone
Enrica Vatteroni - trombone
Mario Camporeale - trombone
Ersilia Prosperi - tromba
Stefano Di Cicco - tromba
Luca Venitucci - fisarmonica,pianoforte
Stefano Tedesco - vibrafono
Eleonora Bruni - voce
Antonia Gozzi - elettronica
Simone Pappalardo - elettronica
Franz Rosati - elettronica
Luca Tilli - violoncello
Tiziano Carone - viola
Fabrizio Spera - batteria
Cristiano De Fabritiis - batteria
Riccardo Labarbera - elettronica
Aurora Barbatelli - arpa
Alexander "Zar" Caric - mandolino,voce
Biagio Orlandi - sassofoni
Alípio C Neto - sassofoni

La collaborazione tra Alvin Curran, Orchestra Iato e Angelo Mai Altrove Occupato nasce nel corso del 2012 con una serie di concerti in cui Curran inizia a sperimentare con l’orchestra trasformandola In breve tempo in un vero e proprio strumento. Un corpo sonoro flessibile e rimodellabile, attraverso il metodo diretto della “conduction”. L’orchestra comprende musicisti molto diversi per estrazione, stile, e grado di esperienza. Al suo interno troviamo improvvisatori, jazzisti, sperimentatori, musicisti classici, folk, elettronici e membri di ensemble bandistici. Un organismo complesso e di ampia sfaccettatura, una molteplicità apparentemente incontrollabile, ma in sorprendente sintonia con la natura altrettanto aperta e articolata del maestro Curran.
In chiusura della stagione 2013 si è deciso di riunire ancora una volta l’orchestra per una breve, ma significativa residenza presso l’Angelo Mai. Il programma prevede tre giorni di lavoro, tra cui, prove, registrazioni di studio, e un concerto conclusivo, o meglio, di apertura di un nuovo ciclo di attività.

Alvin Curran, tra i più importanti compositori contemporanei (uno dei fondatori di Musica Elettronica Viva – 1966/1971), è oggi attivo in Europa e negli Stati Uniti con composizioni per piccoli e grandi ensemble che vanno dall’orchestra, al coro, agli strumenti elettronici, e con installazioni sonore e lavori per la radio, per il video e il teatro.

Iato Orchestra è un grande ensemble nato spontaneamente da un gruppo di musicisti con l’intento di esplorare insieme nuove e diverse possibilità creative di fare musica. Centro di aggregazione di questa realtà, che include alcuni dei musicisti improvvisatori più attivi nella scena romana, è la rassegna Iato, che dal 2003 organizza stabilmente concerti di musica di ricerca presso “Il Cantiere”, storico spazio sociale a Trastevere (Roma).

Saturday, November 9, 2013

L’improvvisazione nelle avanguardie musicali. Roma, 1965-1978 di GIOVANNI GUACCERO (27/10 - 18:00) - ALÍPIO CARVALHO NETO / GIANCARLO SCHIAFFINI / ALVIN CURRAN / ALESSANDRO SBORDONI

USA → Italia

mercoledì 27.11 -  Sala Casella

ore 18.00 presentazione della monografia L’improvvisazione nelle avanguardie musicali. Roma, 1965-1978 di Giovanni Guaccero, Aracne Editrice 2013.

interventi di Alvin Curran, Giovanni Guaccero, Alessandro Sbordoni, Giancarlo Schiaffini
Alípio Carvalho Neto moderatore

ore 21.00 concerto

Elliot Carter (1908-2012)   Figment IV (2007) per viola sola

Goffredo Petrassi (1904-2003)   Violasola (1978) per viola sola

Domenico Guaccero (1927-1984)   Sonatina (1956-57) per pianoforte

Alessandro Cuozzo (1975)   Tema e variazioni op.40* (2013) per pianoforte

Lowell Liebermann (1961)   Sonata op.13  (1984) per viola e pianoforte

Neal Gripp  viola 
Massimo Spada pianoforte

Concerto trasmesso in live streaming su RadioCemat

U.S.A.  Italia si collega ancora all’Accademia Americana, con un confronto di musiche di autori americani ed italiani, mettendo in luce affinità e differenze. Il concerto presenta importanti compositori quali Elliott Carter, scomparso lo scorso anno, e Goffredo Petrassi, di cui ricorrono i dieci anni della scomparsa, Domenico Guaccero allievo di Petrassi, Lowell Lieberman classe 1961 e il giovane Alessandro Cuozzo. Interpreti d’eccezione saranno Neal Gripp, prima viola dell’Orchestra di Montreal e Massimo Spada, raffinatissimo pianista italiano. Il concerto sarà preceduto dalla presentazione della monografia L’improvvisazione nelle avanguardie musicali. Roma, 1965-1978 di Giovanni Guaccero.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Forte Fanfulla (23/10 - 21:00) - Alípio C Neto / Luiz Moretto / Greg Burk / Igor Legari / Marco Ariano - APHRODES 5tet

23 ottobre alle 21:00

Alípio C Neto - tenor and soprano saxophones
Luiz Moretto - violin
Greg Burk - moog and melodica
Igor Legari - double bass
Marco Ariano - drums and percussions

Thursday, October 10, 2013

EMUfest - Conservatorio Santa Cecilia (21/10 - 20:30) - ORLANDO LEGNAME

“Dark matter” (2013) [8’]

Pianoforte, clarinetto, saxofoni, violino preparato, contrabbasso, entomofono & percussioni,
elettronica, video e augmented conductor
Orlando Legname (USA)

Direttore:  Orlando Legname
Clarinetto: Massimo Munari
Pianoforte: Greg Burk
Saxofoni tenore e soprano: Alípio Carvalho Neto
Violino preparato: Luiz Moretto
Contrabbasso: Roberto Bellatalla
Entomofono & percussioni: Marco Ariano

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


L’Ambasciata Argentina in Italia
Casa Argentina

Ha il piacere di invitare al concerto del


10 Ottobre 2103 ore 18:00

Ingresso libero

Casa Argentina
Tel. 064873866 dalle 14.30 alle 19.00
Via Veneto 7 – 00187 Roma

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Alípio C Neto | Jean-Marc Charmier 5Tet - Lilies For Ra / Free Jazz Collective by Stef

Alípio C Neto | Jean-Marc Charmier 5Tet - Lilies For Ra (TerreSommerse, 2013) ****

By Stef  

Brazilian saxophonist Alípio C Neto is hard to pigeonhole, shifting between bop and avant-garde, at times warm and jazzy, at other times drowning the listener without compromise, yet the quality of the playing is always good, clever and authentic. Recommended albums are "The Perfume Comes Before The Flower" and the amazing "Paura - The Construction Of Fear".

We find him back now with a quintet, with Neto on tenor sax, brazilian whistles and cambodjian flute,  Jean-Marc Charmier on trumpet, pocket-trumpet, and flugelhorn, Joakim Rolandson on alto sax and cambodjian flute, Torbjörn Zetterberg on double bass, and Paulo Bandeira on drums.

Their album "Lilies For Ra" is a strange blend of "traditional" free jazz with modern insights. Clearly there are some Ornette Coleman influences in the structures and the alternation between great themes and real free improvisation. But the real quality lies in the absolute refinement they bring. The compositions are great, the arrangements are warm and deep, the soloing is intense and sensitive, the balance between rhythmic moments and explorations is perfect, and the overall build-up of the album, the place given to each member of the band, the great production. Just listen "Arapuá", the first track below, and how it shifts from warm and welcoming to boppish mode and then how it dissolves into lose soloing with anguished undertones and then comes back to the unison lines of the beginning, and despite all the exploratory parts, the piece remains essentially coherent and focused.

The overall result is not visionary, nor ground-breaking innovative, yet the quality of the entire album is outstanding.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Zeitgenössische Musik aus Brasilien – Ensemble Uirapuru – Gustavo Brinholi (Special guest: Alípio C Neto, Saxophon)

Zeitgenössische Musik aus Brasilien – Ensemble Uirapuru – Gustavo Brinholi

SUN, 22.09.13 / 8:00 PM / BLACK BOX
€ 18,–; ERM. € 12,–

Zeitgenössische Musik aus Brasilien – Ensemble Uirapuru – Gustavo BrinholiGustavo Brinholi
Ein Projekt des brasilianischen Musikers, Komponisten und Dirigenten Gustavo Brinholi (Stipendiat des KAAD).

Das Ensemble Uirapuru, konzipiert und gegründet von Gustavo Brinholi und Armando Lôbo, präsentiert Stücke dieser beiden Musiker. Es spielen u. a. ehemalige Akademisten des Symphonieorchesters des Bayerischen Rundfunks und der Münchner Philharmoniker. Special guest: Alípio C Neto, Saxophon.

Ein Konzert im Rahmen des 25-jährigen Jubiläums des Deutsch-Brasilianischen Kulturvereins e. V.

Mit Unterstützung des KR
(Deutsch-Brasilianischer Kulturverein e. V., München)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

La Musica Libera di Giancarlo Schiaffini - Alípio Carvalho Neto (Università di Tor Vergata) | 17 maggio 2013


Venerdì 17 maggio 2013 - Ore 15:00
Ingresso libero

Coordina e introduce Giovanni Costantini

Aula T25, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia


Alípio Carvalho Neto (Università di Roma Tor Vergata)

La Musica Libera di Giancarlo Schiaffini

Giancarlo Schiaffini (Trombonista, Compositore)

Giorgio Nottoli (Conservatorio di Roma S. Cecilia) - Silvia Schiavoni (Interprete vocale e autrice)

"Percorso Incrociato": la performance come luogo d'incontro tra compositore e interprete

La presentazione sarà corredata da esempi audio/video eseguiti dal vivo da:

- Silvia Fanfani Schiavoni: voce
- Giancarlo Schiaffini: trombone

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Angelo Olivieri & Alípio C Neto Doppio Trio - Progetto Guzman / If Not: Omaggio a Mario Schiano (The New York City Jazz Record by Tom Greenland)

Sin Fronteras Actis Dato Quartet (Leo)
If Not (omaggio a Mario Schiano)
Progetto Guzman (Terre Sommerse) Untitled #28 Fabrizio Sferra Quartet (Jando Music) 
by Tom Greenland

Jazz, first introduced to Milanese audiences in the early 20th century, was later adopted and adapted by local musicians, with strong scenes emerging in Milan, Rome, Sicily, Perugia (home of the Umbria Jazz Festival) and elsewhere.

Integral to Italian new jazz for 40 years, multi- reedist Carlo Actis Dato maintains his ebullient humor on Sin Fronteras, a quartet release with soprano/alto saxist Beppe Di Filippo, bassist Matteo Ravizza and drummer Daniele Bertone. The all- original date sustains a Carnevale-esque atmosphere through danceable beats, catchy unison melodies and raucous soloing, spurred by group chanting, whistling and scatting. Favoring baritone sax (with occasional tenor and bass clarinet), Dato’s style blends inside and outside playing, delivered in a slightly husky tone, complemented by Di Filippo’s higher-pitched melismatic lines. Bertone combines standard drumkit and hand percussion on Middle Eastern and South American rhythms, which meld with Dato’s Middle Eastern melodies and Phrygian harmonies in a distinctively Mediterranean style.

If Not, an homage organized by author Paolo Carradori to the late Mario Schiano, a father figure of Italian free jazz, combines the trios of trumpeter Angelo Olivieri (with bassist Silvia Bolognesi and drummer Marco Ariano) and tenor/soprano saxophonist Alípio C. Neto (with bassist Roberto Raciti and drummer Ermanno Baron), with guest appearances by soprano saxist Eugenio Colombo, trombonist Giancarlo Schiaffini and others. The repertoire includes Schiano’s “If Not Ecstatic We Refund” (both studio and live versions), “Sud” and “Song” (which ends with a recording of Schiano singing in a slurry, Louis Armstrong style), plus standard covers and free improvisations. Olivieri and Neto prove dynamic leaders and the free improvisations show remarkable transparency, no easy task with multiple bassists and drummers.

Drummer Fabrizio Sferra leads his quartet of reedman Dan Kinzelman, pianist Giovanni Guidi and bassist Joe Rehmer on Untitled #28, a collection of hummable tunes over floating rhythms, which are easily accessible yet open-minded. Like the late Paul Motian, Sferra leads by following, preferring the role of facilitator and colorist to that of timekeeper, giving this project a truly collaborative feel. Most of his songs are grounded in tonal harmony, with an almost hymn-like quality, though the key centers tend to shift in unpredictable ways. Sferra’s unobtrusive, virtually subliminal playing accomplishes more through innuendo than overt emphasis while Kinzelman’s tenor sax (with several clarinet cameos) and Guidi’s tinkling arpeggios add to the Sunday afternoon ambiance of the set.

For more information, visit, and

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Angelo Olivieri & Alípio C Neto Doppio Trio - Progetto Guzman / If Not: Omaggio a Mario Schiano (Jazzword by Ken Waxman)

Progetto Guzman
If Not: Omaggio a Mario Schiano
Terre Sommerse TSJE 1013
Progenitor of advanced improv in Italy and its nation-wide dissemination, Neapolitan alto saxophonist Mario Schiano (1933-2008), not only in 1966 recorded If Not Ecstatic We Refund, the country’s first Free Jazz LP, but stayed relevant throughout the years, playing alongside many younger stylists as maintaining a membership in the all-star Italian Instabile Orchestra (IIO) until just before his death.
This imaginative CD, recorded slightly after the third anniversary of Schiano’s demise, honors his prescience with 13 tracks composed by or referencing the saxophonist. Although the main protagonists, trumpeter Angelo Olivieri and Brazilian-born saxophonist Alípio C Neto and the majority of the musicians didn’t play with Schiano, some tracks beef up the ensemble with contributions from veterans such as saxophonists Pasquale Innarella and Eugenio Colombo who were with Schiano in the IIO, or in the case of trombonist Giancarlo Schiaffini, were present at Italian Free Jazz ground zero on If Not Ecstatic We Refund.
Like Schiano, a Rome resident for most of his career, Neto and Olivieri collaborate with non-local musicians; Olivieri, who earned a PhD in fluid dynamics, plays most notably with bassist William Parker and drummer Hamid Drake; Neto has worked with the likes of bassist Adam Lane and violinist Carlos Zíngaro.
Over the course of this disc, the players mix old and new tropes, keeping the swing underpinning implicit in the wide and powerful lines from bassists Silvia Bolognesi and Roberto Raciti; often breaking up the expected rhythmic undertow when any of the percussionists – Ermanno Baron, Marco Ariano and Ivano Nardi – use Latin and/or oddly sources beats. Meanwhile Olivieri’s brass timbres use enough plunger burrowing to harken back to Jazz’s earliest days; abetted by Schiaffini’s modern-day gutbucket in several instances. In contrast, the majority of saxophone lines stay mostly in the FreeBop mode, a sort of atonal andante, where it seems they’re about the burst into Ornette Coleman’s “Lonely Woman” at the first opportunity. Other tracks, such as “Lover Man”, one of Schiano’s signature tunes, are treated with a combination of thematic fealty and sequence reconstitution. Balanced on buzzing and rappelling double bass lines, most likely from Bolognesi, that theme is backed into after variations on it from narrow quivering reeds and trumpet bites.
Overall, as well, the second version of “If Not Ecstatic We Refund” is more in character with Schiano’s mischievous personality then when first played on the CD. Parade-band percussion, Dixieland brass and New Thing-styled reed work are equally referenced. And if the trumpet solo is almost dirge-like, the saxophone responses – plus clarinet-like riffing from Neto’s curved soprano sax– is more along the lines of boisterous post-funeral New Orleans’ marches. Effective modernism is injected into “Dadà”, as well, with reverberating electronic-sounding asides sharing space with barnyard animal-styled lows, shrieks from the horns and bass string scrubs.
Most notable of the tracks however is the A Sud suite that mixes Schiano’s “Sud” and Olivieri’s “Sur”, with “Sa Bruscia” by the late bassist Marcello Melis, founder of the Gruppo Romano Free Jazz with Schiano and Schiaffini. An authoritative bass ostinato and drumming that encompasses nerve beats and back beats hold the parts together, while harmonized brass and flute presage the finale.
A matchless tribute to one of Italy’s most accomplished Jazz musicians, the ensemble lets the honoree have the last word. The CD’s final minute is taken up by a scratchy recording of Schiano himself on piano and alto performing his parody of Italian nightclub crooning.
--Ken Waxman
Track Listing: 1. Indicazioni Contro 2. If Not Ecstatic We Refund 3. Lover Man 4. Dicitencello Vuje 5. A Sud 6. Caatinga 7. G 8. DQ 9. Dadà 10. Accarezzame 11. Corale 12. If Not Ecstatic We Refund 13. Song
Personnel: Angelo Olivieri (trumpet, pocket trumpet); Giancarlo Schiaffini (trombone); Eugenio Colombo (soprano saxophone and flute); Pasquale Innarella (alto saxophone); Alipio C Neto (curved soprano and tenor saxophones); Silvia Bolognesi and Roberto Raciti (bass); Ermanno Baron (drums); Marco Ariano (drums, percussion and effects); Ivano Nardi (drums and objects) and Maria Pia De Vito (voice)
January 27, 2013